Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Catching up ...

I've been doing a lot of reading and searching on the net these last few days – and I have to keep telling myself to stay on track. There are so many sites that you think are leading you in the right direction then wham; it’s taken you somewhere completely different not what you are after, or you just get sidetracked into going else where …. Although must say that I have learnt some unnecessary things!

As well as reading articles on websites, e-journals and knowledge trees, (I've been trying to remember to put them in to I’ve also been reading up on other student comments and some are very interesting. It’s good sometimes reading other comments from people who feel the same as you or have a completely different out look on the situation – sometimes something you’ve never thought of. I would mention them but I didn’t keep track of who was who and where – I was just in a reading and jumping from one window/page to the next. One comment I would like to make is with all this ‘new’ teaching technology I feel that I am one of the students/facilitators/teachers who does know what they are doing with it most of the time (its just finding the time!). I like all this new information technology and interested in it (which is helpful when trying to learn). Its just amazing how far it's/we've come in just a short period of time!

Being in learning environment I have to keep reminding myself that there are some people out there do not understand technology as quickly or pick it up as quickly as I sometimes do – back to learning styles. Thinking about different learning styles and what they are can make you vary your techniques for the students whether in classroom situation or one on one. Although it’s helpful when people come into my suite and tell me exactly what type of learner they are! eg I’m not a reader I like to be shown then do. Although this particular student I’m thinking of has now changed and is quite happy to go through the books we have here, as they are quite easy to follow and don’t have a heap of reading and then ask me when they get stuck or have a question.
As well as a heap of searching/reading on the net I've also been playing around with CamStudio – this is also a great little tool – and will be using this as a teaching resource, which will be mentioned in my draft ‘Flexible Learning’ plan in the next couple of days.


Sheryll said...

Hi Emma
By reading your blog i can't help thinking that the three of us (Jaquie, you and me) feel that same way about this course. Maybe this is because we all work at the Community Learning Centres and we use a lot of different technology thoughout the day within our courses that we deliver. It also sounds like we all learn very similar and are aware of the different learning styles that we encounter every day. I feel we need to have more visual projects for some students as they do struggle with firstly reading though the books and trying to make sense of this new technology that they have never even tried before. I think it would be easier for these students to have a video to watch first.

Anonymous said...

Emma! Great to see you back on your blog :) You sound like you've been doing heaps of reading.. shame you haven't shared it with us as you went :( but I hear ya with the time issue!

Have you tried loading one of your Camstudio recordings into YouTube?

You may have noticed that the Camstudio recordings are a pretty high quality and so make for very large file sizes...

I use the free Videora iPod Converter to compress the originals into a smaller files size before sending them through the Internet

Driver said...

Thanks for comments.

And Yes Leigh I have noticed that the camstudio files are quite large files - specially with my audio added. Ive also noticed when doing audio you have to do it completely with each topic/recording otherwise it becomes out of sync with the video. (I'll have to produce shorter ones!)

Haven't tried adding to YouTube yet - thats next on my list.

Thanks for the link to the file compressor.